
Step 1 : Magicbricks Integration

Connect to 365 Lead Management by submitting a request directly to your MagicBricks account manager.
Please forward them the following instructions, and replace YOUR_USER_ID with your MagicBricks login ID:

  • Please send my MagicBricks leads to 365 Lead Management CRM.
  • My MagicBricks login ID is: YOUR_USER_ID

The required information is as follows:

  1. CET or non-CET client: Non-CET
  2. CRM service provider name: 365 Lead Management CRM
  3. Integration type: PUSH integration
  4. Working Endpoint:<YOUR KEY>/lead
    Note: You can get the full URL from your 365 Lead Management account.
  5. Sample URL:<YOUR KEY>/lead
    Note: You can get the full URL from your 365 Lead Management account.
  6. API Key: Not needed, this is included in the custom webhook URL above
  7. URL Parameters: Not needed, this is included in the custom webhook URL above
    curl Example: curl --location '<365CRM-USER-KEY>/lead?name=leadname&mobile=919988774444&'

  Go to General Setting >> Web Setting >> Third Party Integration >> Magicbricks Integration

Magicbricks third party login integration

Step 2 : Assign Label

  Go to General Setting >> Web Setting >>  Third Party Integration >> Magicbricks Integration

Magicbricks Assign Label with lead management software
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