
Step 1 : Generate CRM Key

Visit, login to your account, then go to the Lead Manager and under the three dots menu ( ⋮ ) click on CRM Integration.

Login to IndiaMART and go to lead Manage

Or you can also directly go to the Key Generation Page using the following link:

Now, click on Generate Key. A unique CRM key will be generated and will also be sent to the registered email-id.

Generate API Integration Key

Note: In case you have already generated the CRM key, you can refer to the same from your email or check the key generation screen for your active CRM key. The CRM key will expire if it is not used in the last 7 days. On clicking ‘Generate Key’, a new key will be generated & the older one will expire (if any key was already generated earlier, it will stop working).

Step 2 : Web Setting

  Go to General Setting >> Web Setting >> Third Party Integration

Indiamart lead integration

Step 3 : Indiamart

  Go to General Setting >> Web Setting >> Third Party Integration >> Indiamart Integration >>  Select Lead Label >> Enter “IndiaMART API key” >> Enter the Date “7 days” ahead from Today >> Save

indiamart lable intergration with lead management crm
Enter api key for Integration
Select date for lead gathering
Save details for indiamart integration
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